Ingrid Kauffman (Gaarder)
After graduating from W-L I attended Radford College for 2 years, then transferred to Indiana University in Bloomington to major in anthropology. I met my husband Dean there and we were married in August 1968. After a year in Chicago working as social workers we spent a few months in Mexico then moved to Arlington. We spent three years in Charlottesville attending graduate school then a year in Mexico City. We have been living in Arlington since then. We have two daughters, Greta and Alexia who (happily for us) both work and live in the area. I have been working at the Arlington Central library (just up the street from W-L, but totally redone, just like the school) since 1978. I love my work - reference librarian (I got my MLS at U of Maryland) and have no plans to retire any time soon.
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